Simple self-service background checks for small & medium businesses
Get started and screen your candidates in a few minutes

Account setup is as easy as a few clicks
- Fill in your business and contact information.
- Accept and sign our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
- Verify your email address and wait for a confirmation email from Certn Lime.
- Done! Explore your Certn Lime dashboard.

Before screening your first candidate:
Certn Lime must verify your business as a valid business to comply with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and privacy laws. This can take up to 24 hours.
Upon successful verification, you will be prompted to enter your credit card details.

Background checks in 3 simple steps
- Build your screening package by selecting the required check(s) from Certn Lime’s a-la-carte background checks.
- Avoid administrative errors: all you need to enter is your candidate’s email address and hit “Send Application”
- Track the application status on your Certn Lime dashboard.

Offer the best screening experience for your candidates
Identity verification via any mobile device
With Certn Lime’s OneID technology, candidates no longer have to queue up at the post office or police station to verify their identity. We’ve made it easier for your candidates to instantly verify their identity via a mobile phone selfie and a government-issued ID card.
Background checks at your candidate’s fingertips
Certn Lime has made the screening process easy. A secure link is emailed directly to your candidate, enabling them to complete the entire process on the device of their choice.
Required information: Depending on the checks you’ve selected, your candidates will need to fill in basic contact information such as full name, date of birth, address and other relevant information. Our checks contain clear prompts that help candidates through the entire process.
Our dedicated support team is also available via live chat and email to ensure you and your candidate get the best experience and successfully complete the checks.

Make decisions quickly based on fast and accurate results
- Canadian criminal check results in less than 15 minutes!
- Most checks are done within the same day!
- You’ll receive a notification once the application is done and track the status on your dashboard.

Start screening your candidates right away
Set up your account with a few clicks