Why Certn Lime

Why Certn Lime background checks can help small & medium businesses grow

Why Certn Otter

Speed is what we excel at

Just a few clicks to screen your first candidate

Set up your Certn Lime account in minutes with just a few clicks. Our intuitive UI makes background screening a breeze.

  • Self-service account set up at no additional cost
  • No long-awaited sales call for account set up
  • Attentive and accessible support team to ensure your success
Certn Lime Sign up Dashboard

The fastest turnaround time to hire ASAP

Our modern API technology provides results in unbeatable turnaround times and makes the screening process efficient without any setbacks.

  • Instant candidate ID verification – on any device of their choice
  • Instant employment and education verification
  • Fastest turnaround time for criminal record checks
Certn Lime timeline for candidate background check
“Fast & Efficient Without Compromising Quality”

Rachel Q. Certn’s Capterra Reviews

Innovative user experience in a candidate-first market

Background screening is no longer a bottleneck

  • Build your own screening packages
  • Intuitive dashboard with application status tracking
  • Easy-to-read and thorough reports
  • No data entry required – only an email address to send screening application
Certn Lime Packages

Mobile-first candidate experience

  • Candidates grant consent and complete screening from their mobile device
  • Candidates verify their identity instantly via our proprietary OneID technology- no more trips to the post office or police station
Certn Lime Background Check_Mobile Display and Confirmation Page

Comprehensive and reliable to build trust

One-stop shop to screen candidates

  • All-in-one screening platform with global criminal checks, education and employment verifications, and credit checks
  • Built-in compliance with FCRA, GDPR, and SOC 2 Type II
  • Mobile identity verification using AI technology
Certn Lime checklist

Get the best return on your investment with Certn Lime

  • Reduce candidate acquisition costs with Certn Lime’s competitive pricing
  • Build your own packages and pay only for checks you need
  • Pay-as-you-go with your credit card
  • No extra set up, pre-payment, subscription or monthly fees
Certn Lime Package

Start screening your candidates right away

Set up your account with a few clicks
